

Under review:

  • Yang Li. Pareto-optimal lane-changing trajectory planning in mixed traffic, Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems.(Under review).
  • Yang Li. A reproducible approach to merging behavior analysis based on High Definition Map, Submitted to IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Transactions.(Under review).

Journal papers:

  • Yang Li. Automatic lane-changing motion planning: from self-optimum to local-optimum, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems , 2022, doi:10.1109/TITS.2022.3179117.(SCI;影响因子9.55;自主换道轨迹规划)
  • Yang Li. Dynamic trajectory planning for automated lane-changing using quintic polynomial curve, Journal of Advanced Transportation.(Accepted;SCI;自主换道轨迹规划).
  • Yang Li. Comprehensive survival analysis of lane-changing duration, Measurement, 2021, 182, 109707.(SCI;影响因子5.13;换道行为数据挖掘)
  • Yang Li(corresponding). Incorporating human factors into LCM using fuzzy TCI model. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 2021, 9, 198-218.(SCI;影响因子3.41;跟车行为建模与数据挖掘)
  • Yang Li. Comparative univariate and regression survival analysis of lane-changing duration characteristic for heavy vehicles and passenger cars, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 2022, doi: 10.1061/JTEPBS.0000771. (SCI;影响因子1.93;换道行为数据挖掘)
  • Yang Li(corresponding). Lane-changing Trajectory Planning Considering Mitigation of Lane-changing Impact on Surroundings. Journal of Tongji University (Natural Science Edition), 2022, 50 (12), 1728-1733 . (EI;自主换道轨迹规划)
  • Yang Li(corresponding).Factors affecting lane-changing duration based on time-dependent proportional-hazards regression model. Journal of Tongji University (Natural Science Edition), 2021, 49(07), 933-940.(EI;换道时长挖掘)
  • Yang Li(corresponding). Short-term prediction of parking demand for parking delicacy management. Journal of Tongji University (Natural Science Edition), 2021, 49 (09), 1301-1306 . (EI)

Conference papers:

  • Yang Li. Hierarchical automatic lane-changing motion planning: from self-optimum to local-optimum, 2022, the 101th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington, DC.(交通顶会)
  • Yang Li. Comparative univariate and regression survival analysis of lane-changing duration based on the HighD dataset, 2022, the 101th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington, DC.(交通顶会)
  • Yang Li. Exploration of lane-changing duration for heavy vehicles and passenger cars: a survival analysis approach, 2022, the 101th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington, DC.(交通顶会)
  • Yang Li. Comprehensive survival analytics for lane-changing duration, 2021, the 100th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington, DC.(交通顶会)
  • Yang Li(corresponding). Dynamic trajectory planning for automated lane-changing, 2021, the 100th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington, DC.(交通顶会)
  • Yang Li(corresponding). Incorporating human factors into LCM using fuzzy TCI model. 2021, the 100th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington, DC.(交通顶会)
  • Yang Li(corresponding). Study on Short-term Accurate Prediction of Parking Demand. 2020, the 99th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington, DC.(交通顶会)